Gut Balance-Disease Association Database

The human Gut Balance-Disease Association Database (GBDAD) provides 2544 non-redundant balance-disease associations from metagenome samples and 7014 from amplicon samples. For each pair of balance-disease association, the balance degree (the number of diseases related to the balance), the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) id of the disease, the LR coefficient of the balance-disease association, the scientific name of the species in the numerator and denominator, and the evidence score of the species-disease association in MicroPhenoDB were provided. The database supports the interactive exploration of these balance-disease and species-disease associations by searching or filtering.

Disease-Balance association in GutBalance

Human Gut Balance-Disease Association Database

Please be patient as the interactive database loads a bit slow.

Heading abbreviationsfor each column of the table:
LRcoef: coefficients of the predictable balances for the model.
NumeratorS: species in the numerator of the balance.
Denominator1S and Denominator2S: species in the denominator of the balance.
NumeratorE, Denominator1E, Denominator2E: species-disease association evidence for the species in the NumeratorS, Denominator1S, and Denominator2S columns.
Notes: The species-disease association evidence is represented by the disease name and the association score linked by an underline (e. g. Cirrhosis of liver_-1.31). The associations with scores greater than 0.3 or lesser than -0.3 are more confident. By linking the balance-disease associations in GBDAD and the evidenced species-disease associations from the MicroPhenoDB database, the new species-disease associations can be directly inferred as shown on the “Tutorial” page.

Evidences and taxon-disease association inferences for matched disease

It should be noted that a balance that increases or decreases in a specific disease only reflects a bacteria ratio positively or negatively correlated with the disease, which does not describe the detailed relationship between the balance-related species and the respective disease. Nevertheless, the new taxon-disease relationship can be inferred by combining the predicted balance-disease associations with the evidenced taxon-disease associations under some circumstances, as illustrated on the "Tutorial" page.
The "Species_infer" collum of the table below is all the taxon-disease association inferences based on the current version of GBDAD for shotgun metagenomics and amplicon diseases.